Audition FAQs

What is your audition process?

Notices are posted every few months during our season as we audition per show. You should follow the instructions posted for each show as the requirements may vary depending on the production. 

What if I can’t make it to the audition?

If you absolutely cannot make it to the audition, please contact us to arrange an alternative option.

Can I send you my headshot/resume?

Yes please! E-Mail it to with Audition Submission in the subject line. 

What if I do not have a headshot/resume?

We require everyone to fill out our Audition Form, found on each individual notice. If you do not have a headshot, let us know when you check in for your in-person appointment and we will take a quick snap for our records.

Does Artist Village compensate their performers?

Artist Village was founded by a group of professional artists and arts educators who thoroughly understand the value of your work and skill as an artist. Our primary funding source, currently, consists of grants and private donors. Though we would love to, we are unable to compensate actors at a level which recognizes the value of their talent, training, or time in the way a fully professional company might. Compensation ranges from Guest Artist to a simple gas stipend to volunteer. Contract terms are negotiated individually based on position.

For more information, questions, or concerns email